This morning news broke of Fox News settling a defamation case with Dominion in America. If you have not been following this news story, it started back in 2020 with the elections. Dominion are the company that run the voting machines and Fox News were reporting the Donald Trump line of election fraud. Dominion had argued that this was a lie and caused damage to their reputation as a company and so were suing Fox News. At the last minute Fox News have settled the case to avoid having to go to court. They are paying $787.5million and have to admit to telling lies about Dominion. The attorney for Dominion said in a statement announcing the news that “the truth matters”. What a true statement that is, the truth does indeed matter and our society desperately needs to rediscover that, we need to move away from truth being a subjective thing, that somehow we can each have our own ‘truth’. In John chapter 14 verse 6 Jesus declared “I am the way, the truth and the life”, this is what I want us all to remember and dedicate ourselves to again as we begin the next of our sermon series on Sunday, this time looking at what it means when we say Showing Jesus is Lord in our Witness.
I want to finish by sharing with you an email I recently received from the Church leaders conference I will be at in a couple of weeks time. They said that the aim of the conference this year is to create space to reflect, to actively and intentionally remember God’s faithfulness, the ways that God is still moving, and who we are in Christ.
What a great aim, this is something we can all do wherever we are, and so something I want to encourage all of us to be doing as we go through the four week series on Witness. They have also included a short playlist of songs on Spotify for us to listen to in preparation of the conference, for those who use Spotify the link is - Church Leaders Conference 2023 - playlist by Watermark Community Church | Spotify.
Finally, I want to share with you the prayer they have asked us to be praying as we prepare to go to the conference, and I want to invite you all to join me in this wonderful prayer:

Shift my focus away from the things that distract; fix my eyes on you. Show me where my
view of you—and of myself—needs to be corrected. Give me wisdom for the decisions ahead, and help me lead out of the overflow of your love. Amen