Dear all,
As school and college terms draw to a close and Holy Week comes, I'd like to encourage us all to take some time to slow down. It may be you're tired from work, struggling with challenging health conditions, stressed about exams, worried by family members, concerned for world peace, anxious about climate change, unnerved by spiralling costs or... but; whatever your situation I'd encourage you to try to slow down in this next week. To rest for a moment in God's presence. Maybe you could read the Holy Week narrative over the next week- the events running from Palm Sunday which we will be celebrating this weekend with our joint procession
and service, to through the unfolding but all too well known sorrows of Good Friday. Or listen in to a podcast or some audio prayers- the Diocese will be releasing daily content during the week and our own SPSJ team are planning to provide some videos alongside this. You may prefer to join the walk of witness or listen to the reflective meditations in St Peter's on Good Friday; or join the Chrism Eucharist and Maundy Thursday services available across the city. You may wish to sit up late and spend time in a prayer vigil, or join us on Castle Green for the sunrise on Easter morning. Or... whatever helps you. There is such a wealth of resources available for us in person or online, we just need to prioritise coming into God's presence to hear his voice as we approach the celebrations of Easter.
'Be still and know that I am God'.
Even in the midst of your life, just as in the events of Holy Week, God remains God,
and nothing that happens can change that. So try not to take on the rush and stress of the world and those around you, but rather attend to God- find his rhythms and adapt to his pace, and in doing so let yourself be found by the One who brings peace into all places.

Every blessing, Andy D